Manhole Cover Clip Type FFDQ60-BEx FFDQ60-Bex internals Electric Diesel Vane Pump 11A Nozzle 1 inch Cliptype Manhole Cover Bolt Type Manhole Cover Bottom Valve Cable Type Pressure Release Valve Spring Hose Reel 15 meters Hose Reel Flow Meter Discharge Ball Valve Vane Pump Mechanical Lever 3 Handle Mechanical Lever 2 Handle 4 arm lever 5 Arm Lever Earthing Reel Flame Arrestor Nylon Gear Pump In line Filter/Strainer In line Filter/Strainer Clip Type Manhole Cover Product Indicator Resin Vane Pump
At Fleet Fuel Trading, you can be assured of quality products for your mobile tanker use.
We often find the best solutions for your use and constantly find improved products that will suit your needs.
We sell different items of Mobile Fuel Tanker Components, like Manhole Covers. These Manhole covers comes in two kinds, the clip type and the bolt type. For Clip type, they are usually welded on the frame of the tank while Bolt types are bolted to the tank.
We also have Battery Operated Fuel Dispensers that you can mount on your tanker. Power for the Fuel Dispenser will be coming from your truck battery.
Fuel Transfer Pump can come in Electric Diesel Vane Type or High Volume Sliding Vane Pumps that are 2 inch or 2.5 inch in size. The Electric Vane Pumps are usually for low volume discharge getting power from the battery of the truck on the other hand, the High Volume Sliding Vane Pump are usually mounted to the transmission of the truck as Power Take Off Pumps and are capable to discharge fuel at a faster rate.
We have Fuel Hose Reel too that are spring type which can retract automatically. These usually comes with an 11A nozzle and in 10 meter or 15 meter length.
Mechanical Lever 2 handle and 3 handle, are used to open and close the Cable Type Bottom Valves through a steel cable. Pneumatic Type Bottom Valves on the other hand are opened/closed using Pneumatic hoses and air pump.
Other parts that we have for your tankers are Flow Meters, Fuel Hoses, Fuel Nozzle, Fuel Tank Air Vent Pressure Release, Discharge Ball Valve, Pneumatic Bottom Valve and Cable Type Bottom Valve.